CI Run Info

Workflow ID:
Last Run Badge:
Totals Badge:
Monthly Badge :

Here you can see the energy measurements of the associated CI/CD pipeline.

You can use the date picker or the legend (CPU) to filter which results are displayed on the chart. The energy measurement of a pipeline tends to be very strongly dependent on the CPU of the machine, so it is strongly recommended that you do any statistical analysis on a per CPU basis.

The Stats Table will show aggregate data. It shows the stats for the full pipeline, and additionally for each label / step specifically.

Label Energy Avg. (± StdDev.) Time Avg. (± StdDev.)
CPU Util. Avg. (± StdDev.)
Grid Intensity Avg. (± StdDev.) Carbon Avg. (± StdDev.) Count
Label Energy Total Time Total Carbon Total Count
Runs detail table is not displayed automatically

Please click the button below to fetch data.

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