Green Metrics Tool - ScenarioRunner Timeline

What is Timeline View?

Timeline View shows all the measurements we have for a specific ScenarioRunner project over time.
This allows you to inspect if a software has an upward or downward trend in energy, memory, CO2 etc.

If you want to change the graphs you are seeing, please click on Customize. The charts will change on refresh.

Badge Info

Badges are showing always the trend over the last 365 days and calculations will always be on the Runtime phase as well as calculated by sorting on commit timestamp.

Badges are cached and will only update once per day, even if the charts already show new data.

Pro tip

Once you have selected your criteria here bookmark to URL to return later. After clicking Refresh Charts & Badges the URL will be automatically changed.

Will not affect badge
Will not affect badge
Graph Info

Graphs show every measurement as a bar. We color the bars according to the commit timestamp and change the color for every new commit (You can also change to color by the GMT tool hash). After some time the color repeats ...

To show details click on the bars! A new menu will appear.

Waiting for API data

Waiting for API data